Thursday, January 27, 2011

Some Days Are Harder Than Others

Yesterday I was really bummed out because my scale said that I was back up to 271 lbs. It was a real wake up call that I was doing something wrong, and I'm positive it's somewhere in my diet. Today my scale read 266.2 lbs. I don't know if my scale is broken, but I don't think you can lose 4.8 lbs in one day. Whatever the case may be, this is the only scale I have so I have to trust what it displays.

I hate circuit training. I mean I love it, but I hate it. Chris has been putting us through a lot circuits lately. I recognize the benefit, but, man, they're hard. Yesterday was a good workout with one embarrassment. Chris wanted us to do (try and do) some pull-ups. Never in my life have I been able to do a pull-up. I just don't have the upper body strength for it yet (but it is one of my goals). The best I was able to do was hang from the bar and raise myself maybe an eighth of an inch. The worst I did was to not even be able to grip the bar well enough to just hang. It's just another in a series of reminders that the Lord is teaching me the virtue of humility.

I got some pretty decent rest last night, and I figured I'd be feeling good today. I felt good, but my body disagreed. I was sore, mostly in my arms and shoulders from my wimpy pull-ups. Today's circuit didn't help either; each exercise felt increasingly harder. Tire flipping, squatting medicine ball toss, double box jumps... it just kept getting harder and harder. In between each exercise we had to jump rope. After each exercise I couldn't wait to jump rope so I could rest and try and catch my breath. How often does it happen that you look forward to jumping rope so you can rest? Today might have been the first time for me. No matter what though, Chris won't let you give up on yourself, and I really needed that extra motivation today. That goes a long way with me, and that's one of the main reasons I like going to my gym. Now I just need to muster the strength to get through the rest of the day.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Cold Hard Truth

Sorry for the long delay folks. The blogs may have slowed down, but after a brief respite from the gym for the holidays (mostly work related), I'm back in there trying to tear it up again.

Days like this really make me miss my home state of Texas. The streets are glazed with black ice, and the air is as cold as...something really, really cold. I forgot to weigh myself this morning, but I'm still caught between 267 and 270 lbs. My plan was to lose an average of 2 lbs a week and be 100 lbs lighter for 2012. So far I haven't been able to accomplish that. I'll need to change up a few things in my diet, and Chris has been changing up some exercises for me in the gym.

Today felt particularly harsh because it was so cold. My muscles were sore and tight from the past few days, and my stretching didn't seem to help my joints feel any more limber. Chris put me through a pretty good ringer today. I did a little weight training today, and much to my chagrin, I started losing steam way sooner than I expected. So many things don't phase me, but that was a real blow to my male ego. Note to self: get stronger.

A while back I got a custom mouthguard, and I really like it. Mouthguards always advertise how they can help reduce the risk of a concussion. I never understood how a little piece of plastic in your mouth could do that. I understood how it protected your teeth, but a concussion? I didn't get it. About a week ago I forgot all my gear at home, and I did some light sparring with Casey at the gym. Casey is a woman. She's tall and lean, but nothing really seems intimidating about her. When I "spar" with the women at the gym, I don't throw any real punches because I just can see myself hitting a woman in any capacity. I just can't or won't do it. I'll throw some fakes to keep them on their toes or to remind them to keep their guard up, but never anything with an ounce of power behind it. So back to the story. I was sparring with Casey, and I didn't have a mouthguard or any kind of protective gear, but I figured it wasn't such a big deal. I forgot how hard Casey hits. She's only been doing this a couple of months, but once she learns a little more, she will be a force to reckon with. At one point she caught me with a hook to the head, and my head jerked in such a way that my teeth hit each other. That hurt, but the surprising part was how much force my lower jaw had when it hit my upper jaw. I see now how the mouthguard helps. It must act as a shock absorber. That's good motivation to remember to bring your gear everyday to the gym. Since then I've gotten some headgear for a little extra protection.