Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

Woke up to 265 lbs this morning. My weight isn't dropping as fast as I think it should, and it's definitely not from a lack of exercise. That only leaves the diet portion of my training, and sadly I haven't been as strict as I should be. I'm making changes to remedy that problem.

I've been working out everyday for about a week and a half, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is quickly becoming my favorite part. I can't say that there's anything easy about it, or that any of it comes naturally to me. Ironically though, my weight sort of works in my favor. Sunday night I was rolling with some of the guys at Delano MMA and Fitness. I was in the mount position trying to put a submission hold on this guy, and he tapped out before I could even get the hold on him. Then I heard him say, "I can't breathe." That's embarrassing, but in competition, I think that's still a victory.

This was my first time taking Jake's BJJ class. I've been wanting to do it for quite some time now, and I finally got my chance. It's incredibly intense, and a great workout. After a good warm up and a few drills, we got to roll for the rest of the class time. I was a little timid because I'm the new guy in class, and I'm really not sure what I'm supposed to be doing. I said I'm going to be really good at this, but right now, I'm not really good at this. I rolled with Dave for a little bit before I almost suffocated him. Then I rolled with Gary and Bryan. Everyone was incredibly helpful and supportive - Gary especially. He corrected a lot of my mistakes and gave me a bunch of pointers.

I was so tired and sore when I got home; I couldn't wait to get to bed. I had trouble sleeping that night because my muscles ached so badly. I really didn't want to go to fitness class the next morning, but I don't want to start those bad habits again. I forced myself out of bed and made it to class. It's been that struggle almost every morning, but so far I'm still making it.

A day or two ago Chris suggest that I try a Friday night fight. He said I can wear my protective gear, and it's basically hardcore sparring. For a second there the shit got real. I wouldn't have to worry so much about hurting my opponent, but they wouldn't worry about hurting me either. I can live with that, but my biggest concern is: do I have to take my shirt off? Yes, I have at least an ounce of vanity in me, but the Lord continues to teach me the virtue of humility. It's all or nothing, right? I'll give my all, even if I have to take my shirt off.

One last thing. My buddy Greg hasn't been able to make it to the gym like he'd like to. I know it's driving him crazy, and it's driving me crazy too because he's supposed to be my sparring partner. I'll feel so much better about sparring with a guy because I won't have to worry so much about hurting him. I know Casey is a woman who beats me up pretty good when we spar, but I'm still afraid that I might accidentally hit her and hurt her. I just sparred with Amber the other day. She's incredibly skilled, but still, I accidentally kneed her in the leg and caused a charlie horse. She said she was ok, but I felt terrible. So, Greg, feel better, and hurry up. We have some training to do.


  1. I like reading your blog. You should try one of those Friday Night Fights when you are ready. It would be a great experience especially if it isn't too hard. It might be time to push your limits my friend. Good Luck on all your training.

  2. "I was in the mount position trying to put a submission hold on this guy." I making t-shirts.
