Friday, February 18, 2011

Great Week 2/14 - 2/18

I made a real effort to at least double up on classes this week at Delano MMA and Fitness, and for the most part, I did. I guess the most important thing I learned this week is: I'm tired. Holy smokes was this week hard. Some days were harder than others. Tuesday I was dragging ass all day, but Wednesday, as tired as I was, I felt energized. I know that doing Jiu-Jitsu that day was the impetus for that great feeling. Maybe it's some sort of endorphin release; whatever it was, I was in a great mood that day. I don't know what it is about Jiu-Jitsu, but even after just a few classes, I can feel a change in myself. It's a real confidence booster. Already I feel - no...I know this is something I'm going to be really good at. I don't have any physical evidence to back me up; I just know it in heart to be true.

Today's workout ended on a great note. I got to do a little sparring with 3 different opponents. Two of them were women, and the other was a guy. It was really fun to spar against a guy who is closer to my level of experience. I don't feel that I did that great against him, but at least I don't feel bad about hitting back. It's great exercise, and a lot of fun.

One of the women I sparred with was pretty funny. It was her first time, and she was really hesitant to take a swing at me. It's always awkward the first time around, but I think she got into it. I didn't throw anything back at her, but I'm embarrassed to admit that I didn't duck and dodge her punches as well as I should have. Thankfully she doesn't hit that hard yet.

Easily my most formidable opponent is Casey. If you've read previous posts, she's the woman who always beats me up. She has a strong punch, and a lot of heart. She kept catching me with a hook today, and it really lit me up. If I can get to the point where I can block and/or dodge her punches, I'll feel like I've made some major improvements. Until then I'll just be happy to stay on my feet.

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