Friday, September 24, 2010

Today was a good far

I wasn't too pleased with the scale this morning. Yesterday it read 282.2 lbs, and today it was up to 283.6 lbs. Not sure where the extra 1.4 lbs came from, but I think I worked it off today at the gym.

We traded shots today for part of the 9 o'clock class. I got to be the punching bag pretty much. I'm cool with that because it gives me an opportunity to practice my blocking. I'm not too proud to admit that I need a lot of practice there too. When class was over, I was doing ab exercises with one of the girls in class because she pretty much challenged me to it. I didn't get to finish though because Chris called me over to ask me a question. I was tired and pretty much ready to go home, but Chris asked me if I wanted to stay and trade punches with "Hollywood" (the guy I sometimes train with in the 10 o'clock class). Hell yeah I wanted to stay for that. I wrapped my hands again and got gloved up because I really wanted to do this. I know I have a lot of work to do before I can step into the cage for a real fight, and this only proved how much work I need. Like I said, my blocking needs work, my punches are pretty slow, and I need more cardio to keep me going. All in all, it was a great workout. Hollywood has some fast, strong punches. We weren't going full force, but I could tell he knew what he was doing. We caught each other a couple of times in the face, but nothing that will leave any cool marks. All I know is, I'm going to be sore as hell tomorrow. I can feel it in my lower back now, and my shoulders are starting to burn too. I might have a date with some Advil tonight. As much as I'm going to hurt, I'm going to rest comfortably knowing that I earned every ache and pain. Yup, today was a good far.

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