Friday, September 17, 2010

The week in review

I've been at 284.6 lbs for the past few days now. While I'm happy I've reached my first goal of 285, I'm a little disappointed that I've plateaued for these past 2 or 3 days. I made it to class all 5 days this week (a couple of times on time), and now I'm shooting for my next goal of 275 lbs. This week wasn't particularly hard, and I think part of that is because I didn't double up most of my workouts. When I say it hasn't been that hard, it's not to say that it hasn't been hard at all. The reason I haven't doubled up that much is because I've been too tired after the first class to try and stay for another. My abs, back, and shoulders have really taken the worst of it this week. There's a class on Saturday mornings too that I'd like to go to. I'm not sure if I can force myself out of bed on Saturday, but I'm going to give it a shot tomorrow. I could certainly use the extra exercise.

A couple of things I'm really excited about this week. I ordered a custom mouthguard, and the impression kit came in yesterday. I'm going to have a busy weekend trying to do it correctly so I can get the right fit. Also, Chris has been shooting some video at the gym, and I'm going to edit some of it together so he can use it to help advertise the Beatdownboys Training Center. I'm really excited about that. I wish I could have shot the video myself, but the day job gets in the way of that. It's still going to be cool to edit some video again.

One last thing. I've been taking Chris' class for about 3 years now, and I never felt like my punches were any good. Today, however, I felt like I was throwing some good, solid punches. I'm not saying they were knockout bombs, but they felt like they could do some damage. Stuff like that makes me happy.

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