Monday, October 4, 2010

Franklin test numero 2

I didn't want to wake up this morning. It was cold in my apartment, and I really wanted to stay under my warm comforter. After snoozing my alarm a couple of times, I decided to force myself out of bed. I weighed in this morning at a surprising 278.8 lbs. I never trust my scale when I drop a couple of pounds. I feel like it's playing a cruel joke on me - especially since I didn't work out on Saturday.

I decided to give the Franklin compression underpants a second try today. I never know what we're going to do in class, so today was as good a day as any. They held up pretty well through the workout that Chris put us through today, but we never did any squats or lunges. I feel like that is still the best test. After class, though, Chris took a couple of us running. We did somewhere between 1 and 2 miles. Running might be the second best test for compression shorts. I have to admit that the Franklin shorts held up (no pun intended). I hate running - I'm just not built for it, but Chris wants to add that to my workout to help with the weight loss. I was starting to plateau, and he thinks this will kickstart my body into burning more fat. He's right, but I'm just so bad at it. I mostly jog through our runs, but I only slowed down to a walk 2 or 3 times today (and not for very long). I am happy to say that I did get a second wind when I was about 2 or 3 blocks away from the gym. Maybe it was because I wanted it to end sooner, but I got a boost and finished up pretty strongly. Unfortunately when I stopped, my knees and lower back were really aching. I think I might need to get a new pair of shoes. I've had this pair for a long time, and they just aren't absorbing enough of the shock anymore. Remember, every time my foot comes down, that's about 280 lbs coming down on top of it. I got through this one ok; I just need to rinse and repeat every morning.

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