Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Some days seem harder than others

Woke up to a happy 273.2 lbs this morning. I've been struggling between 274 and 276 for quite a while now, so I'm not celebrating just yet. That being said, I'm still glad that the scale is showing smaller and smaller numbers.

This is just the second day into the week, and I feel like dying. Chris worked us out pretty well yesterday - so much so that my shoulders have really been killing me. Add to that a couple of sore legs and butt muscles, then mix in the cold weather I woke up to, and you have a recipe for some real aches and pains. Today was one of those days when I just wanted to roll over and sleep for a couple more hours, but I had to fight through it. Being a child of pop culture, I thought about what Rocky Balboa told his son in "Rocky Balboa." "...it ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much can you take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!" Maybe a little too dramatic for my situation, but it worked. I got out of bed and got some more punishment at the gym this morning.

I'm really glad I went today too. Not only for the benefit of the workout, but because Chris had an MMA cage set up. We got to work out in it for a bit, and it was really cool. Walking up those steps and setting foot in the cage...one day I'll be doing that to face a bona fide opponent. For now I was pretty much a punching bag. I have so much work ahead of me. I really need to learn to block better. I'm still so damn fat that my arms don't cover much of my body to offer a great deal of protection. I got through it though, and, like Nietzsche said, "That which does not kill us makes us stronger." After today's workout, I sure hope I'm stronger because it really kicked my ass.


  1. http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=15A8E31FE2292628

    made that for ya. just listen to that before you go train. :)
