Sunday, October 24, 2010

Maybe the best day ever

I don't usually update The Fat Man Diaries this often, but today was so great that I had to write about it. I got a text from Chris this morning asking if I wanted to spar today. My first thought was that I wish I had known earlier because everything I didn't do yesterday, I was going to do today. This is what I've been wanting, and I was about to throw it away because I had to do my laundry. Luckily I came to my senses.

I met Chris at the gym around 4 pm. Like every Sunday at 4, Jake was teaching a Jiu-Jitsu class. Chris had me warm up with Jake's class, and those are some pretty crazy warm ups. They're very intense on the joints, and I can see how Jiu-Jitsu can be incredible exercise. I didn't know what I was doing, but I was trying to take this opportunity to learn more. After the warm up, we paired up to do some rolling. If I tell you I have less than zero knowledge of Jiu-Jitsu, I'm being generous. All the guys paired up, and the only other guy without a partner was "Big Red." This guy is huge - 6' 2", 270 lbs, and all muscle. I'm 5' 8", 274 lbs, and not very much muscle. He's intimidating to look at; he looks like a superhero who just stepped out of a comic book. Turns out he's a really nice guy. I felt bad because I felt like I was taking away from his training. I didn't expect to participate in the class, and I'm sure he expected to roll with someone who's closer to his level. Luckily Chris pulled me away so we could start sparring.

This is where the real fun began. I went one round with Chris, and then one round with Matt. During the session with Matt, I got tagged directly in the nose. I saw stars for a second, and it really smarted. Matt gave me a couple seconds to collect myself, and I needed it. No damage, but I was a little gun shy coming back into it. I got back into the rhythm, but it felt like I had a bull's eye on my nose. I lost count of how many times I caught one in the nose, and by whom. My blocking is still pretty pathetic. After my session with Matt, 4 other guys got in the ring to spar too. We all partnered up and traded partners after every round. I took several good punches and kicks, and I was able to give a few too. As sadistic as it sounds, there's something satisfying about seeing a surprised look of pain on your opponent's face. I don't feel guilty because I know they enjoyed that same look on my face (more often than I'd like to admit). Here's the kicker: of all those guys I sparred with, somehow I ended up sparring with "Big Red" twice. I don't know how that's fair, but I had to go with it. It's very humbling to go up against someone who clearly outmatches you, but hopefully I can learn from it. (The only thing I learned was to never piss this guy off.) I felt like he was playing with me. I'd throw my punches; some would land, some were blocked. Then he'd barely throw a punch, and I could still feel the power behind those punches. I can't imagine what a full force punch from him (or any of the guys) would feel like.

I don't know how long the sparring sessions lasted from start to finish, but I was tired as hell when we were done. We were all drenched in sweat too. I could feel the aches and pains start to settle in (some of them settled in immediately during the sparring too). I don't know where the guys got the energy, but they went back to Jiu-Jitsu rolling on the mats. I watched them while I hoped that my back muscles wouldn't cramp up on me. I was at the gym for a little over 2 hours. My nose hurts, my head hurts a little, my back is sore as hell, my left leg is sore from being kicked so many times, and there are various other parts that are sore from punching, and being punched. I can't wait to do this again. Until then, I'm going to sleep like a baby.


  1. Dude, I'll hit you. You just had to ask.

  2. Cool, man. Just remember, I hit back.

  3. why do i keep picturing King Hippo from Mike Tyson's Punchout where if you hit him in the face, he has a surprised look on his face and sees stars? hahahaha sorry big boy.

  4. Dude, that's fucked up, but very funny. Maybe I'll wear a crown next time I get to spar. Haha
