Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Back in the saddle

Weighed in this morning at 294.2 lbs. Still trying to drop those 10 lbs. to get to my next goal of 285. At least the weight isn't going back up. I was late to the 9 a.m. class, but on Wednesdays I'm really not supposed to be there until 10. In my head I was really early, but no one else seemed to see it that way. My plan was to double up today to make up for Monday and Tuesday. I knew it was going to be hard, but I don't want to lose the momentum I've been building up the past few weeks. I jumped in with the rest of the class, and it was a real pisser. By the last exercise I was sweating buckets and panting like a pervert. Everyone else stretched and left. I stuck around for a little while longer. I did some bag work and a lot of cardio. I heard that cardio lowers your testosterone, so I did a little weight lifting to try and even it out. I didn't make it through the full 2nd hour. I think if I had really tried, I could have, but I was beat. I made it through about 35 minutes. All in all, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I thought I would be aching like I did after the first class, but everything was ok. I'm sore for sure, but it's not any worse than when I train any other day. I guess the hard part is over. I just have to wake up and do it all over again tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Going to feel like the first time

The weekend was a little scary because my weight went up a little bit, but then it came back down. I'm currently floating around 294.2 lbs. Not much in the way of loss, but I haven't worked out in a few days either. My trainer's been out of town for a couple of days, so I had the weekend off plus these past 2 days. Tomorrow's going to feel like the first time I've trained. I know it is, and I'm a little nervous about it. I've gotten some pretty good rest on these off days, but it's never enough when you train with Chris and Aaron at the Beatdownboys Training Center.

Friday was really cool because we were learning to block punches thrown at our faces. Chris told me to bring a mouth guard to protect my teeth. I have an old boil and bite mouth guard, but I really want to get a custom one. My teeth are pretty jacked up, and the boil and bite guards just don't work that well for me. They work, but not great. I called my dentist's office to see what they charge, and they start at $250. That's a little steep for my pocket book, but I found a place on the Internet that makes them for $50 plus shipping. That's still a little pricey, but it's my best option. Besides, it's a lot cheaper than replacing knocked out teeth. Despite the horrible thought of losing my teeth in a fight, I'm charged up at the thought of training at a more difficult, more serious level. I have my new MMA gloves, and now I'm in the market for a custom mouth guard. Except for the part about knowing how to fight, I feel like a real fighter. Just kidding; those people get much respect from me. The discipline and commitment the training requires, the guts it takes to step into the ring, the camaraderie and sportsmanship involved... I love it all, and I can't wait to earn my way into it.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The long and winding road

Not only is that a great Beatles song, it's also what I still have to travel. I'm down to 295.8 lbs. Still heavy, but that's about 12 lbs lighter than when I started a few weeks ago. I couldn't wait to share the news with Chris and Aaron, but I was late to class today. I still haven't adjusted for the longer distance, traffic, and traffic lights. I probably shouldn't snooze my alarm when it goes off.

I got to class, and waiting for me were my new Title gel MMA gloves. (Thank you for picking them up, Amber.) I couldn't wait to use them. They're much sturdier than the old Century gloves I was using. Well, I had to wait to use them because I still had to warm up and do some other exercises that Chris had me start with. After about 20 minutes, I finally got to try them out. It's going to take a little while to break them in, but I think they're going to work great for me. Class was really good today too. We did a lot of work on punches (I have a lot to work on there) and knees (I have a lot of work to do there too). I'm hoping that once I get my enormous gut down to a reasonable size, I'll be able to keep my balance better when I throw punches, knees, and kicks. Right now when that belly goes one way, the rest of my body feels inclined to follow it. I'll just have to be patient for now; it's a virtue I have to learn anyway. I may have to start practicing my Vipassana Meditation again...I probably never should've stopped.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I got a good beatdown today

I've been in training at the Beatdownboys Training Center for a few weeks now, but today I learned why they call themselves Beatdownboys. If a trainer asks if you're done, the response is always "Yes!" Don't be like me and say, "Nah, what else you got for me?" I realize that sounds cocky, but believe me, I wasn't trying to be. Chris and Aaron gave me 2 more exercises that took everything out of me. The class was difficult enough, but I still had some energy leftover. I didn't want to lie and look like a pussy. That didn't matter because while I was struggling through the exercises, I still got called a pussy. Hahaha, just my luck. Today was rough, but I loved it. There was a point when I was breathing so hard that it started to sound guttural...almost like a growl. It sounded pretty intimidating, but I was struggling to breathe. Luckily I was able to catch my breath and keep going. When I was finally done with everything, I left a very nice pool of sweat on the mats. Blood, sweat, and tears - that's what they say it takes. I've bled (very little) and I've sweated (quite a lot); I guess the tears are next.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Peaks and valleys

As good as I was feeling yesterday, today is almost a complete 180. My back was hurting when I woke up. My calves were sore. My right shoulder has been hurting since last night. Oh and let me break you off a piece of workout math too: sweaty shirt from first workout + jumping rope + jumping jacks = chafed nipples. (Note to self, bring an extra shirt just in case you want to workout twice.) I told myself that since I worked out twice yesterday, then I could stay in bed today. I mean, I worked out once for yesterday, and the extra one could count for today, right? Well, I remembered that I had to fight through that b.s. So I fought through the b.s. I was late to the gym today, but at least I made it. Chris and Aaron gave us a good workout, and I felt even worse after class. The aches and pains actually felt a little better, but I was tired. Still am. But I'm happy I made it to class, and I intend to fight through those lazy days in the future. I know there's a ton ahead of me, and I plan to fight through them all.

After I got home from the gym, my cousin hit me up for some weight loss advice; we're pretty much in the same boat. I passed on the wisdom that I've picked up from Chris and Aaron, and I'm hoping that it will help. It feels good to help someone else. I'm hoping we'll be able to motivate each other even though we'll have to do it from such a long distance. Good luck, cuz.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Flying high now

Ok, so maybe I'm not flying high like Rocky, but I'm feeling pretty good. I'm eating better, and while I have my moments of weakness, I still manage to get passed it. I barreled through 2 classes back to back at the gym today. I'm tired but not beat. I'm only going into my 3rd week of training, but I'm thinking that this time around might be the one that sticks. I have a few scrapes and bruises, and while they're not painful, they are inconvenient. I wish they'd hurry up and heal. In the meantime I'll look at them as small badges of honor. Kicks, knees, punches -- I'm learning them all (some better than others), and I'm loving it more and more.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sometimes I just don't know what to do with myself

You know, it's days like today that I really upset myself. I woke up this morning, and I was tired -- really tired. I realize that I should have fought through that and made my way to the gym, but I didn't. Instead, I gave into my muscle soreness and lack of rest, and I just gave up. I told myself that it would be like recharging my batteries, but for some reason I feel like I was just being lazy. I've had some really good workouts this week, and I'm down about 7 lbs. since I started training. After class yesterday I even spent about an hour in the pool. I can't really swim, but I did what I could to exercise my shoulders and abs. I could really feel the soreness settle in as the day went on, but I kind of get off on that. It makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something. I didn't really accomplish anything today. I won't dwell on this too much; I'll just make a mental note to fight through it next time. After all, that's why I'm in learn how to fight.

I started reading "Iceman: My Fighting Life," by Chuck Liddell last night. He's a UFC fighter, and I'm hoping to draw some inspiration from the book. A while back I read "A Fighter's Heart," by Sam Sheridan, and the first half was so amazing that I wanted to fight right then and there. If nothing comes from "Iceman," I'll just go back to the other book. In the meantime there's a long road ahead, and I won't get to the finish line any quicker by staying in bed. Tomorrow is a new day to apply the lesson I learned today: Get off your lazy ass and work!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Holy Shizzle!

Hey, peeps, today may have been the hardest workout I've ever had. If not that, then it was definitely the hardest one I've had in a long time. At one point I was dizzy and lightheaded. I was the only one in class, and I usually like that because I get more of a personal workout session. Well when you have two fighters training you at once, it's not twice as hard -- I'd have to say it's at least 4 times as hard. I don't think we even went a full hour today, but however long we went was enough for me. It took me about a half hour to really catch my breath after class. If nothing else, I'll get a strong heart out of all this training ,and really, what more could you ask for? My eating is better for the most part, and I'm training on a pretty regular basis. I think I've dropped a few pounds, but I haven't weighed myself in a few days, so I can't say exactly how much. I started off around 308 - 310 lbs, and I think I'm around 304 or 305 now. Not a lot, but this is just the second week in. Chris said training officially began, and not just in the gym. If I can continue to resist temptation and eat correctly, then the weight will come off on its own. It's an uphill battle, but it can be won. I have 2 great guys helping me, and the eating is the only thing that can hold me back. I made it through my Dallas trip without completely destroying the work I've put in. I only had one bad meal, and the rest was acceptable. It wasn't easy, but I had to do it. There are only so many times I can screw up before Chris gives up on me. If that happens, this whole thing will become exponentially harder. This has to be the time that I succeed.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A new beginning

I know already that this isn't going to be easy. I mean nothing good in life ever is, right? Chris Haines is my fitness instructor, and he's an MMA fighter to boot. I've been working out with him for almost 3 years now, and he's seen my weight go up and down. He's been trying his best to help me keep it down, but my bad eating habits have been keeping the weight up. That's going to change real soon because Aaron, another fighter and trainer, has given me a meal plan to try out. I'm only on day 2 of that, but I can see that it will help if I can stick with it. This weekend is going to be a problem because I'm going to visit my brother in Dallas. Texas has such great tasting food, but it's very rarely good for you (let's face it, it's never good for you). That's a battle I probably won't win.

Here's the real reason for this blog. Chris had a fight a couple of months ago, and he won. It was a great fight, and I was really proud of him and all his efforts. I mentioned that I would like to try at least one fight. In my head I wouldn't mind trying it, but in the real world, there's a shitload of stuff that goes into it. Chris brought it up today, and he said, "Training begins today." Not just in the gym either. So class was really great today. I don't know how serious Chris is about training me to fight, but if he is, I'm going to give it my all (except maybe this weekend in Dallas). We practiced kicks, mounts, and of course punches today. I have a long road ahead of me, but at least this gives me an exciting goal to work towards. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared, but I'm way more excited about the prospect. At the very least, I can get into better shape and be healthier. That's all I really want. Everything else is just gravy -- a lowfat healthier alternative to gravy.