Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sometimes I just don't know what to do with myself

You know, it's days like today that I really upset myself. I woke up this morning, and I was tired -- really tired. I realize that I should have fought through that and made my way to the gym, but I didn't. Instead, I gave into my muscle soreness and lack of rest, and I just gave up. I told myself that it would be like recharging my batteries, but for some reason I feel like I was just being lazy. I've had some really good workouts this week, and I'm down about 7 lbs. since I started training. After class yesterday I even spent about an hour in the pool. I can't really swim, but I did what I could to exercise my shoulders and abs. I could really feel the soreness settle in as the day went on, but I kind of get off on that. It makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something. I didn't really accomplish anything today. I won't dwell on this too much; I'll just make a mental note to fight through it next time. After all, that's why I'm in learn how to fight.

I started reading "Iceman: My Fighting Life," by Chuck Liddell last night. He's a UFC fighter, and I'm hoping to draw some inspiration from the book. A while back I read "A Fighter's Heart," by Sam Sheridan, and the first half was so amazing that I wanted to fight right then and there. If nothing comes from "Iceman," I'll just go back to the other book. In the meantime there's a long road ahead, and I won't get to the finish line any quicker by staying in bed. Tomorrow is a new day to apply the lesson I learned today: Get off your lazy ass and work!

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