Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Going to feel like the first time

The weekend was a little scary because my weight went up a little bit, but then it came back down. I'm currently floating around 294.2 lbs. Not much in the way of loss, but I haven't worked out in a few days either. My trainer's been out of town for a couple of days, so I had the weekend off plus these past 2 days. Tomorrow's going to feel like the first time I've trained. I know it is, and I'm a little nervous about it. I've gotten some pretty good rest on these off days, but it's never enough when you train with Chris and Aaron at the Beatdownboys Training Center.

Friday was really cool because we were learning to block punches thrown at our faces. Chris told me to bring a mouth guard to protect my teeth. I have an old boil and bite mouth guard, but I really want to get a custom one. My teeth are pretty jacked up, and the boil and bite guards just don't work that well for me. They work, but not great. I called my dentist's office to see what they charge, and they start at $250. That's a little steep for my pocket book, but I found a place on the Internet that makes them for $50 plus shipping. That's still a little pricey, but it's my best option. Besides, it's a lot cheaper than replacing knocked out teeth. Despite the horrible thought of losing my teeth in a fight, I'm charged up at the thought of training at a more difficult, more serious level. I have my new MMA gloves, and now I'm in the market for a custom mouth guard. Except for the part about knowing how to fight, I feel like a real fighter. Just kidding; those people get much respect from me. The discipline and commitment the training requires, the guts it takes to step into the ring, the camaraderie and sportsmanship involved... I love it all, and I can't wait to earn my way into it.

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