Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Back in the saddle

Weighed in this morning at 294.2 lbs. Still trying to drop those 10 lbs. to get to my next goal of 285. At least the weight isn't going back up. I was late to the 9 a.m. class, but on Wednesdays I'm really not supposed to be there until 10. In my head I was really early, but no one else seemed to see it that way. My plan was to double up today to make up for Monday and Tuesday. I knew it was going to be hard, but I don't want to lose the momentum I've been building up the past few weeks. I jumped in with the rest of the class, and it was a real pisser. By the last exercise I was sweating buckets and panting like a pervert. Everyone else stretched and left. I stuck around for a little while longer. I did some bag work and a lot of cardio. I heard that cardio lowers your testosterone, so I did a little weight lifting to try and even it out. I didn't make it through the full 2nd hour. I think if I had really tried, I could have, but I was beat. I made it through about 35 minutes. All in all, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I thought I would be aching like I did after the first class, but everything was ok. I'm sore for sure, but it's not any worse than when I train any other day. I guess the hard part is over. I just have to wake up and do it all over again tomorrow.

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