Monday, August 9, 2010

Holy Shizzle!

Hey, peeps, today may have been the hardest workout I've ever had. If not that, then it was definitely the hardest one I've had in a long time. At one point I was dizzy and lightheaded. I was the only one in class, and I usually like that because I get more of a personal workout session. Well when you have two fighters training you at once, it's not twice as hard -- I'd have to say it's at least 4 times as hard. I don't think we even went a full hour today, but however long we went was enough for me. It took me about a half hour to really catch my breath after class. If nothing else, I'll get a strong heart out of all this training ,and really, what more could you ask for? My eating is better for the most part, and I'm training on a pretty regular basis. I think I've dropped a few pounds, but I haven't weighed myself in a few days, so I can't say exactly how much. I started off around 308 - 310 lbs, and I think I'm around 304 or 305 now. Not a lot, but this is just the second week in. Chris said training officially began, and not just in the gym. If I can continue to resist temptation and eat correctly, then the weight will come off on its own. It's an uphill battle, but it can be won. I have 2 great guys helping me, and the eating is the only thing that can hold me back. I made it through my Dallas trip without completely destroying the work I've put in. I only had one bad meal, and the rest was acceptable. It wasn't easy, but I had to do it. There are only so many times I can screw up before Chris gives up on me. If that happens, this whole thing will become exponentially harder. This has to be the time that I succeed.


  1. Good job!! I will try very hard not to be your food Achilles heel!

  2. Thanks, Crystal. Don't stop cooking because someday I'll be able to eat your delicious food again. Haha.
